Often, when those living paycheck to paycheck get a surprise bill in the mail, their budget is busted. This is an unpredictable part of life and can stress just about anyone out. Many things such as sudden medical expenses or a car suddenly breaking down can cause this. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't always caused by poor money managing habits.
Luckily, for these people, there are cash advance loans. Cash advance loans are there to help those who need money quickly. One of the many perks of cash advance lenders is that they do not check credit reports, so just about anyone can get a loan from a cash advance loan company. Also, the loan process is quick and easy -- many borrower's can be in and out within a matter of minutes whereas at a bank the process usually takes more time sometimes even days.
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To obtain a payday advance loan, all anyone needs is proper identification to prove they are who they say they are and prove that they are over 18. Borrowers also need to show verifiable proof of regular employment or regular income. This is to make sure the borrower will be able to repay the loan. Borrowers will also be required to leave a check behind for the amount of the loan plus interest and any fees. The check is to be post-dated for the date the loan is due. The cash advance company will cash the check on the date it is due, so the borrower must make sure they have the funds in their bank account by that date to cover the payment.
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