Is your requirement very urgent? Want small cash assistance to sort out emergency expenses that can not be avoided? You can simply apply for cash advance and attain the funds. No need to fax documents or comply with tedious approval process when you can entail the funds immediately.
Cash advance have a significant feature of no credit check. This feature makes everyone eligible for these loans. Even bad creditors with poor credit like arrears, defaults, late payments, bankruptcy, IVA and CCJs are acceptable.
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Through cash advance you can borrow an amount ranging from £100-£1500. You can borrow anything suiting your requirements. The loan amount is sanctioned for a small time period of 2-4 weeks. In case if you are unable to meet repayment then the term can be extended. For this you will be charged with an extra fee.
Cash advance is offered at bit higher interest rate due to their short term nature. But with thorough market research you can fetch a good deal for yourself. These loans can be utilized for accomplishing small obligations such as:
o Paying electricity bills
o Grocery bills
o Meeting family emergency
o College fee
o Car repair cost
To acquire cash advance borrower must qualify the following requirements:-
o Must be 18 years or above in age
o Must hold active bank account
o Must have a regular income source
Cash advance are approved quickly. There is no need to fax any documents, credit check or paperwork. Presence of fewer formalities makes the process much faster. You can get hold of cash within 24 hours and use the funds instantly.
Cash advance offers short term funds to all borrowers for a small time period. You can easily borrow an amount that can help you sort your small financial needs.
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