You do not have to go out to lots of payday loans shop to borrow a small amount of cash in order to meet some urgent expenses ahead of your next payday. Doorstep loans are the payday loans products that you can avail right in your home without going out to any shop. The online lenders are the main source of these loans. They can provide the loan in the same day and you are not subjected to any credit checks.
All you need to avail the loan is to make an online application to the selected lender of your choice. The online application is simple as you fill some basic information regarding the loan amount its repayment duration, your employment status, monthly salary and your residential address, email address and phone number. If necessary, the lender may ask you to fax some papers to support the details in the application. Within hours your application is generally approved and the approved amount is electronically transferred to your bank checking account and you can put the loan to any use in the same day.
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Doorstep loans can fetch you a smaller amount ranging from £100 to £1500 for short repayment duration of 14 days until your next payday. Some lenders prefer giving the cash against a post-dated cheque that you can get back on returning the loan in cash on the due date.
Your bad credit history of payment defaults, late payments and CCJs is usually not a hurdle, as the lenders do not put you under any credit checks. Still you will be instantly approved for the loan.
However, doorstep loans, know as payday loans, are still expensive for many salaried people due to high APR. To escape from paying high amount of interest charges on the due date, find out some competitive online lenders whose interest rates are little lower to same you money on the next payday.
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