There are many people who would like a loan similar to a payday loan, but don't have a very good credit rating. Luckily, there are actually loans that allow those with bad credit to get fast money. These are called bad credit cash advance loans. Like payday loans, these loans require little paperwork and allow those who need money to be out the door with their much needed cash in minutes. Most bad credit cash advance centers allow walk-ins which is great for those who don't have time to mess around with making an appointment and waiting for their time slot to come up.
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Bad credit cash advance loans are great for those with less than good credit score who need money quickly. Whether the bad credit is from a cellphone plan gone bad or a history with bankruptcy, these loans are easy to obtain since lenders giving out these types of loans generally don't pull credit history reports. However, those borrowing the money must prove that they receive steady monthly income so that the lender can be assured they will receive their money back.
These loans are great for those who need immediate cash for reasons such as car repair or a sudden bill. Although these loans generally charge higher interest than credit cards, they are short term loans that are usually paid back within a few weeks. They are usually paid back in lump sums instead of payments which include interest so it is important for those applying for these types of loans to know that they need to make sure this is something they can pay back before they even borrow.
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