Do you know that many lenders offer advance to the applicants on the same day of their applications. Yes it is true with the same day loans of finance companies. These financial packages are framed for the individuals, who require help for their urgent needs.
With same day loans, individuals can mitigate their financial problems to a large extent. The same day finance is similar to payday finance, because in this case too, a borrower has to repay the money with his upcoming salary check. The same day advance terms do not include the complex procedures such as document faxing, paper works and credit check. Most payday lenders are ready to pay you without asking for collateral. However, if you have a debt free property for submission, you can obtain bigger money with this facility.
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The cash amount generally approved under this scheme may range between £80 and £1500 for getting approval of quick fund, you will have to submit a form that appears on the online site of payday lender. If lender accepts your advance request, you will be credited with advance money in few hours after your application.
But finance companies will always ask the people to carry below mentioned qualifications for these advances:
Individual should resides in UK as a permanent citizen,
He should have acquired 18 years of age or more,
He should be currently working,
His monthly salary should not fall below of £1000 &
He should have a verified and active checking account of any bank in UK.
Person availing money through this programmed can fulfill his many urgent needs such as paying off landline phone's rent, buying medicines for himself or any other family member, purchasing a new digital camera, repairing old vehicle etc. Same day cash advance is valid for short tenure i.e. 1-30 days. That is why, interest rate fixed for this borrowing plan is very high. The interest rates of instant advance plan vary from 10% to 25%.
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