If you do not have all the documents in hands and want to borrow cash to repay some expensive credit card bills or to have cash for family urgencies, then you can explore doorstep loans. These are payday loans that are specially meant for the salaried class of people so that they can instantly borrow the cash within hours without credit checks and other hurdles.
The loan is especially useful for the borrowers when they need cash instantly for family emergencies or getting rid of a bill in the same day. But the borrower should be employed and getting monthly paycheque for past six months at least. The applicants should also be having an active bank checking account.
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Doorstep loans can fetch you smaller cash ranging from £100 to £1500 and its repayment date is fixed as your next payday. So, you can borrow the money for its repayment in 14 days. Often, the lenders provide the cash against a post-dated cheque from the borrowers.
An advantage of the loans is that the lenders do not subject the borrowers to any credit checks. This allows for instantly getting the cash even if you are carrying a bad credit history of defaults, late payments or CCJs.
However, doorstep loans involve higher APR and such an expensive rate may be burdensome for many salaried people. So, it is important that you borrow according to your timely repayment ability.
It is advisable to borrow from competitive lenders as they can enable you to save money towards interest payments on your next payday. Competitive online lenders may be good option if you have first compare them extensively. Go through the terms and conditions of the lenders who are offering doorstep loans before you sign the deal.
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