When it rains it pours. When an unexpectedly high bill arrives in the mail, it seems like it comes with two more! Living paycheck to paycheck is already difficult and those doing so don't need just an unexpected bill to bust a budget. Many different people have this problem. Sadly, this problem doesn't happen only to people with great credit or who have friends who are willing to loan or give money. This problem also happens to those with very poor credit and those with friends in a similar situation.
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Luckily, cash advance loan lenders are available for those who need quick cash in these times. Cash advance companies offer loans between the amounts of $100-$1500. To apply for a loan, those in need of money need to show proper identification, verifiable proof of employment, and have a checking or a savings account. Those who go to get a payday advance loan must be at least 18 years of age, this is why identification is needed. The proof of employment is to show that the borrower will be able to repay the loan.
The checking or savings account allows the borrower to receive the loan funds in the case they don't receive them in case. The checking account also serves as a way to repay the loan as the advance loan lender will request that the borrower write them a check for the amount of the loan plus interest and fees that the cash advance loan company will cash when the loan is due. This makes it easier for the cash advance lender to receive the money from their loan.
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