I have worked as a financial advisor for over 20 years now. With my experience, one could say that I know exactly how economy works and how it affects our everyday lives. That statement is about right, but if there is something I have learned over these years is that there is one thing we will never truly understand or control: chance. Sometimes, finance is all about chance. You might be incredible at money management and have a very good credit history, but there are some aspects of life which are simply uncontrollable.
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A divorce, the arrival of a child, a health emergency or a simple car breakdown. Those things cannot be predicted most of the times and they can surely ruin a spotless credit rating if the person does not have the economic means to face the situation. In this article we will discuss payday loans and how they can give you a hand during hard times.
Payday What?
Cash advance loans are widely known nowadays, so I assume everyone knows about them. But this assumption might be wrong. If a person has never faced the need of instant cash, they might be unfamiliar with this type of loan.
This type of loan is perfect for those who find themselves low on cash one or two weeks prior to their pay day. This lack of money could be due to an emergency of any sort and can be easily remedied with one of these loans. If you constantly find yourself low on money, payday loans are not for you, as it will turn out to be quite an expensive habit. They are meant to be used once in a blue moon and as an exception, so do not think of it as an easy source of cash because you might end up losing money in the process.
The amount of money you can get with this loan is between $500 and $2500. You will be facing an interest rate as high as a 25% of the loan amount over a month, which is extremely pricey compared to the interest charged on most loans. This might seem like a high price to pay for the right to use such a low sum of money, but if you are going through an emergency and you need the money right away, the price will seem more than acceptable. Besides, these loans are approved within hours and the money is wired as soon as the approval is completed. Very convenient.
Is A Payday Loan The Right Choice For Me?
It all depends on your particular situation and on whether or not you can afford this loan. As I mentioned before, this loan can turn out to be quite pricey, specially if you are low on cash. You should only apply for a payday loan if you are certain you will be able to repay it once pay day comes. If not, interest rate will start to pile up, and believe me, you do not want that happening.
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