Tenants face monetary shortage very often since their earnings are usually insufficient. This hurts most when they have to suddenly pay off bill on medical treatment, repairing a car urgently, escaping a late payment penalty etc. Or, they simply may need the money to carry the remaining month smoothly. Fast cash tenant loans can be a solution to the problem. However, it is equally crucial to escape the debt-traps.
These are ideal loans when only smaller amount is the need for day to day expenses. As is clear from its name, fast approval is its major attraction for the borrower. They get the loan amount within 24 hours, wired to their bank checking account. The borrower must be in the current job for minimum six months and must have a valid bank account.
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Tenants are allowed to have access to any amount ranging from £100 to £1500, without any security offer to the lenders. However, its approval comes for 14 days only, as the repayment is required to be done on the next paycheque time of the borrower. Still, the loan can be rolled over for a month also.
A disadvantage associated with fast cash tenant loans is its high cost for the borrowers. They are made to pay interest at very high rate that typically goes up to 30 percent, and hiked further in case of carrying the loan for few more weeks. It is, therefore, advised to pick up the loan only for emergency and avoid extending it.
Even if the tenant has a bad credit history, the loan comes in his or her hands in the same day, as no credit checks are done by the lenders.
Make use of internet to shop for finding a suitable offer of fast cash tenant loans. Some lenders can be found giving these loans at competitive rates. Undoubtedly, an emergency situation can be tackled through the loan. But you should avoid extending the repayment.
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